After a busy time on this project we are now proud to present The Firm – short film – official teaser trailer! Since my last article on Film Burner we managed to hit our goal of £700 for the overall budget of the film. £500 of this came from the crowdfunding campaign we set up and pushed throughout pre-production, and the remaining £200 came from a private investment source. This provided us with sufficient funds to confidently go into production with a vision of a fully completed film at the end of it with no need for extra money in post-production. The resources available to us through various members of our crew reduced the need for extra funds going forward on top of the ones we had already raised. The crowdfunding campaign was a huge success, especially with the original target ...
“I try to push ideas away, and the ones that will not leave me alone are the ones that ultimately end up happening”. This fantastic quote from JJ. Abrams helps to describe what my next short film ‘The Firm’ is all about – an idea that didn’t go away. I’m Maxwell Morrison, and I am the director, producer and writer on the upcoming British short film ‘The Firm’. I’m 19 years old and based in North Yorkshire. Making films is my passion, specifically writing and directing, but I’m passionate about the whole process. I’m currently looking to make several shorts over the next year and a half, with the goal of producing my debut feature film towards the end of 2019. This article is the first in a series of articles featuring exclusively right here on regarding the entire process f...
Beware the movie that comes bearing the message ‘what follows is based on a true story’. The truth usually ends up playing second fiddle to the story telling and Breathe, the directorial debut from the former Gollum-inhabiting Andy Serkis, is a prime example of this. Robin (Andrew Garfield) is a dashing young Sandhurst graduate, who leaves the Army and moves in to the tea-broker business, in the latter-half of the 1950s. Playing cricket one day, he claps eyes on the stunning, yet reputedly unattainable, Diana Blacker (Claire Foy). Immediately smitten, he smashes the ball for six, she’s duly impressed and, voila, we have a pair of star-crossed lovers. They marry, take-off to Africa, safari a bit, and pretty quickly Diana gets pregnant. Then, when things really couldn’t get any better, life ...
Official trailer for Breathe, starring Andrew Garfield and Claire Foy, which tells the true story of Robin Cavendish, who becomes paralysed from the neck down by polio at age 28. It is released in UK cinemas on October 27, 2017. Andy Serkis’s directorial debut, is this just another Hollywood heart warmer with an actor having his pitch at an Oscar by playing a disabled character in a real-life story. Find out in our review coming soon.
The official trailer for Star Wars: The Last Jedi has been released. It aired during half-time of an NFL game on Monday night, and offers the first extended look at the sequel to 2015’s The Force Awakens after a teaser trailer was released earlier this year. This eighth instalment of the Star Wars franchise will be released in December and cinema tickets are available to book now.
DC comics latest superhero outing had such a promising start; all the trailers promised a team match up to rival the likes of the extremely successful Marvel Avengers. However, these tantalising trailers failed to match expectation (a common trend when it comes to DC these days - with the exception of Nolan's Batman trilogy).
Well, the Crowdfunder campaign done and dusted, and the brand new Derek Jarman successfully completed, it was all about making sure the project reached an audience. What’s the point in putting so much effort into making a piece of work if it then comes to an end because no-one has had the chance to interact with it? Anyway, ‘The Gospel According to St Derek’ has certainly reached an audience – and very successfully so. It’s a case of so far, bloody brilliant! On Friday 31st January, it kicked-off a weekend symposium on Derek Jarman and Early Modern Drama at Kings College, on The Strand in London, 5pm. It was screened in the old Anatomy Theatre at Kings. There was a full-house, with some people having to stand on the balcony overlooking the screening (very Earl...
Here we go again. Does sex really sell? Well slammed in the face during the first scene we see the silhouettes of some people having. Now at first, I am thinking this is steamy Matthew McConaughey with some other people getting their freak on. Yum yum. I am sold I thought. Then we see that, in fact (yes although still McConaughey), it was Ron Woodroof! That is not the McConaughey I want to see in the very first scenes. Ron was not hot at all, and in fact, the total opposite. He looked like he was sick. Then again, I wonder if I hadn’t know him as hunky McConaughey in real life, maybe I wouldn't have been so critical. Ok. He could have just been a skinny fella. I have many thin men friends.
Wheee-hoooo! I did it! I reached my Crowdfunder campaign target to complete my new Derek Jarman documentary – The Gospel According to St Derek. Actually, I did it with 4 days to spare. But things have been such a whirlwind since then (what with all the excitement, and relief, of reaching my goal), and as I’m now working fast and furiously with the online editor and sound mixer to have the documentary ready in time for the forthcoming planned screenings, that things are just starting to sink it – along with a glowing sense of achievement and immense gratitude. I was 80% there with just 7 days to go and that meant I had to go back to my email contacts, mobile phone contacts and chase-up directly anyone I still hadn’t contacted, or anyone who had said they would make a pledge, but had yet to ...
Okay, well it’s now just 7 days (1 week!) to go on my Crowdfunder campaign to complete a new documentary project on the extraordinary British film-maker (artist, gardener, set designer, writer and all-round talented creative genius) Derek Jarman. The past 7 days (week 4 of 5) has seen things come on leaps and bounds. It was hugely inspiring to get a very handsome pledge from an actor who has worked with the likes of Tony Richardson, Ken Russell, Stanely Kubrick and Bill Douglas. This actor expressed a difficulty in negotiating the Crowdfunder website, though, and perhaps this is something Crowdfunder should take on board. Of course there were a number of pledges in the past week, which has meant the campaign is looking good – and a big, big thanks goes out to all the people who are respons...
2014 marks the 20th anniversary of Derek Jarman’s death. In my opinion, Jarman is one of the finest British film-makers ever; one of the finest film-makers full-stop – up there with Chaplin, Cocteau, Fellini, Keaton, Pasolini, Powell, Truffaut (you can fill in your own list). His work comes straight from his own life experiences, is filtered through the most amazing imagination and shot through with a real passion and desire to create and communicate and pass-on his world-vision. I have made radio and TV documentaries about a number of film-related subjects, so naturally I wanted to do something to commemorate and celebrate Derek Jarman the film-maker in time for 2014. I made a documentary on Jarman back in 2004 – Derek Jaraman: Life As Art. It was a conventional, linear, narrative-based p...